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9 Ways to Reduce Employee Absenteeism in Your Workplace

July 26th, 2024 | 7 min. read

By Aaron Boatin

employee running away from boss' hand due to lack of employee absenteeism management

Are your employees frequently calling off from work?

Dealing with absenteeism can be a real pain, causing disruptions to your workflow and impacting overall productivity. You may be happy to learn that it is not a lost cause!

With nearly 100 years of experience in helping companies in managing employee absences, we at Ambs Call Center are ready to share what we know has worked. In this blog, we will unveil 9 effective ways to reduce employee absenteeism.

By the time you finish reading, you'll be armed with the knowledge to tackle this issue head-on and ensure a more engaged and productive workforce.

So, let's dive in and discover the secrets to managing employee absences like a pro!

  1. What is Employee Absenteeism
  2. Why Does Employee Absenteeism Really Matter?
  3. 9 Ways to Reduce Employee Absenteeism in Your Workplace
  4. What are the Causes of Employee Absenteeism?


What is Employee Absenteeism?

You're running a successful business so you may already know employees calling out of work, or absenteeism, significantly affects productivity and overall success.

But what exactly is absenteeism? It's more than just having your employees not show up out of the blue (though that is a big problem). Absenteeism also involves instances like when employees arrive late, leave early, or being unproductive during their working hours.

Absenteeism refers to when your employees are absent without leave.

Why Does Employee Absenteeism Really Matter?

In short: decreased productivity and big losses for your business.

But, what are some of the real-word effects of absenteeism? Glad you asked.

Here's a not-so fun fact: in 2020 alone, absenteeism reportedly cost U.S. companies approximately $3,600 per hourly worker. Given that nearly 120,000 workers are absent on any given day in the U.S., you can see why absenteeism costs your business and the economy a lot!

So, why does absenteeism matter? Not only does it affect your finances, but it can also harm employee morale, team dynamics, add additional costs with scheduling overtime to backfill shifts, and overall company culture. When you understand the impact of absenteeism, you can take steps to address it and create a more engaged and productive workforce.


9 Ways to Reduce Employee Absenteeism Today

It can be frustrating trying to manage a team with excessive absenteeism. However, there are steps you can take to reduce chronic absenteeism and create a more productive work environment. Let's dive into nine steps that we've found helpful in the workplace.

1. Improve Communication and Feedback:

Clear and open communication is essential for reducing unscheduled absenteeism. Try to create easy ways for employees to give feedback, report problems, and suggest improvements. By keeping communication lines open, you can address issues before they become bigger and create a more engaged team.

To improve communication and feedback in the workplace, here's a simple yet effective example:

Create a suggestion box. Set up a suggestion box in your breakroom (or use a digital platform) where your employees can anonymously share your ideas, concerns, or suggestions. Let them know, "Your feedback is important to us, and this gives everyone a chance to contribute without any pressure".

Remember, improving communication and feedback is a team effort. So, work together with your employees to create a supportive and open environment.

2. Invest in Employee Development:

Supporting your employees' professional growth can significantly impact their job satisfaction and commitment to the company. We recommend providing training opportunities that exceed their current role requirements, allowing them to develop new skills and excel in their positions.

This could include workshops, courses, or even mentorship programs. By giving them the chance to enhance their skills and grow professionally, you're showing that you care about their success and are invested in their future with the company.

When employees feel valued, supported, and challenged, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to come to work.

This, in turn, leads to decreased absenteeism and a more productive and positive work environment.

So, consider investing in employee development as a powerful tool to reduce the absenteeism rate in your workplace.

3. Offer Competitive Benefits and Salary:

When employees feel adequately compensated and valued, they are more likely to stay dedicated to their job and less likely to look for other opportunities. Offering competitive salaries and benefits is important if you're looking to keep your employees satisfied and committed.

Chances are though, that may not be feasible for your company right now. If that's the case, you may want to look for a cost-effective solution to managing employee absences like with starting an employee call-off hotline.

4. Implement an Employee Call-Off Hotline:

Another great way to tackle chronic absenteeism is by setting up an employee call-off hotline.

You may ask "What is an employee call-off hotline?" or "How does an employee call-off hotline benefit my business?" and we'd be glad if you did! 

This allows employees to easily inform their supervisors if they can't make it to work due to unforeseen circumstances. It's a quick and efficient way to handle absences and ensure proper staffing levels.

With an employee call-off hotline that uses a dedicated web portal, you would even be able to track attendance records with an easy search.

Oh, and it's extremely cost-effective.

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5. Implement a Comprehensive Leave Policy:

Having a well-defined and communicated attendance policy is essential for reducing absenteeism. Clearly outline the process and requirements for requesting and approving leave, including information on how to report sick leave. Ensure your policy is fair and consistent for all employees to avoid any perception of favoritism.

Here's a brief description of what makes a great attendance policy:

  1. Clear and Easy to Understand: 

    A good attendance policy should be written in simple language that is easy for all employees to understand. Avoid using complicated jargon or lengthy paragraphs. Keep it concise and to the point.
  2. Fair and Consistent

    Ensure that the policy applies to all employees equally, regardless of their position or tenure. This will help avoid any perception of favoritism or unfair treatment.
  3. Leave Request Process: 

    Clearly outline the process for requesting time off, including the necessary steps and timelines. How long in advance should they be notifying you for leave? Two weeks? Three weeks? Provide information on how and when to submit requests, who to contact, and any required documentation.
  4. Sick Leave Reporting

    Specify how employees should report sick leave and provide guidelines for when a doctor's note may be required. Encouraging open communication is important here, but maintaining a level of privacy for your employees is arguably moreso.
  5. Consequences for Violations

    This one’s important so your employees don’t try to “cheat” the system. Clearly state the consequences for repeated absenteeism or unexcused absences. This can include disciplinary action or loss of benefits. Remember to be firm about these policies. One instance of an “I’ll let this one slide” is sure to beget more employees curbing a absent penalty.
  6. Regular Communication

    Regularly communicate the attendance policy to all employees, and provide reminders as needed. Make sure everyone is aware of the policy, its importance, and the consequences of non-compliance.

Remember, a good attendance policy should be designed to support employees while also ensuring that your business runs smoothly. By following these guidelines, you can create an effective attendance policy that helps reduce unscheduled absences in your workplace.

6. Flexible Work Schedules:

Encouraging flexible working hours can help reduce absenteeism. By giving employees flexible schedules, you could expect a boost in job satisfaction and a decrease in the chances of them calling in sick.

You might want to think about implementing remote work options or flexible hours to cater to the needs of your team members, if that is permissible for your line of work.

7. Foster a Positive Work Culture:

Creating a positive work environment can go a long way in reducing absenteeism. Encourage teamwork, celebrate achievements, and recognize employee contributions. Emphasize work-life balance and promote a healthy workplace culture where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to come to work.

An arts and crafts or workstation decorating contest are some of what we implement here at Ambs Call Center to maintain a good level of employee satisfaction year-round.

8. Address Work-related Stress:

High levels of work-related stress can lead to increased absenteeism. It's no surprise that one's mental health issues can affect their ability to work. But did you know, according the American Institute of Stress, job stress costs the US economy roughly $300 billion in the form of absenteeism?


Job stress affecting woman who is working


So, what can you do?

Take steps to identify and address high stress levels in your employees that cause excessive workloads, lack of support, or poor management practices. Regularly check in with your employees to assess their well-being and provide resources for stress management, such as counseling or workplace wellness programs.

9. Conduct Return-to-Work Interviews:

When an employee returns from an absence, conduct a return-to-work interview to understand the reason for their absence and any support they may need. This can help identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to absenteeism and allow for appropriate action.

By implementing these nine steps, you’ll end up with a work environment that promotes engagement, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Addressing absenteeism proactively can lead to a more cohesive and high-performing team. So, take charge of reducing absenteeism in your workplace and watch your team thrive.


What Are the Causes of Employee Absenteeism?

So, we all know that unplanned absenteeism can be a real headache for both employees and employers. But have you ever wondered what actually causes it in the first place? Let's dive into some of the main factors that contribute to absenteeism in the workplace.

1. Burnout: 

One of the leading causes of absenteeism is burnout. With the constant pressure to excel in a competitive work environment, employees can easily become overwhelmed and exhausted. This can lead to them taking more time off to recharge, and as we've already mentioned: excessive absences decrease productivity and morale.

2. Family and Childcare Responsibilities

Balancing work and family responsibilities can be a major challenge for many employees. From sick children to school pick-ups, a family emergency often takes precedence over work, leading to unplanned absences.

3. Illness or Injury

Of course, unexpected illnesses or injuries can also result in absenteeism. While these are often unavoidable, frequent or recurring illnesses can become a cause for concern and may require further investigation.

4. Loose Policies

It's what we never want to hear. But yes, sometimes, the attendance policy you've set may be giving way to the excessive absenteeism you're facing. Your employees may just be taking advantage of a bad (well, good for them) situation, often under the guise of "personal issues".

These are just a few of the common causes of absenteeism in the workplace. But understanding these factors is only the beginning of the equation. And that's why the 9 ways we've described above can help solve it!


Getting Your Employees Back to Work

Reducing absenteeism isn't just about showing up; it’s about building a workplace where people want to be. By offering flexibility, investing in employees, and creating a positive environment, you can make a big difference. Remember, everyone's different, so tailor your approach.

The payoff? A happier, more productive team and a successful business. It's a win-win!

Now, if you're looking to improve absenteeism by getting an employee call-off hotline, we certainly can help! We've helped many companies manage their employees' absences with a call-off hotline for decades.

You may ask yourself "How else can employee call-off hotlines benefit my business?" or "What else should I know about employee call-off hotlines?".

You could also request a quote on an employee call off hotline if you would like to have a casual conversation about what it can do for your workforce. No pressure! Until then, we wish you the best results in lowering your employee absenteeism rate!

Request A Quote

Aaron Boatin

Aaron Boatin is President of Ambs Call Center, a virtual receptionist and telephone answering service provider. His passion is helping clients' businesses succeed. Melding high tech with high touch to provide the best customer service experience for clients is his core focus.