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5 Ways to Advertise Your Property Management Business

August 2nd, 2024 | 8 min. read

By Aaron Boatin

Are you a property owner or manager struggling to fill vacancies and connect with the right tenants? In today’s competitive property management industry, finding effective advertising strategies for property management companies can feel like an uphill battle, especially when everyone’s trying for attention online.

The property management business is all about creating connections—whether it’s with potential customers looking for their next home or with property owners seeking a reliable management team. As an answering service that has been working with property managers across the US for decades, we've learned a thing or two about what's worked in advertising a property management company.

In this blog, we’re going to explore some property management marketing ideas so you can grow your property management business.

  1. Start Using Google Ads Today
  2. Network with Large Employers
  3. Set Up a Referral Program with Real Estate Agents
  4. Drive Engagement with Strategic Email Marketing
  5. Expand Your Reach with Social Media

Now, let's dive right in!


1. Start Using Google Ads Today

So, you’re wondering how to get the word out about your amazing properties, right? Google Ads is the answer you’re looking for! By targeting specific keywords and phrases, you can make sure your ads show up right in front of people who are actively searching for a new place. Think of it like setting up a virtual billboard that only the right folks will see. Plus, you can manage your budget and track how well your ads are doing. It’s a powerful tool, and here’s how you can make it work for you.


people searching for business with skyline blurred in background

Choosing the Right Keywords

One of the most common questions we get is, “How do I choose the right keywords for my Google Ads?” The answer is all about understanding what your potential tenants or buyers are searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you identify popular phrases related to property management in your area. For example, specific terms like “apartments for rent in [City]” or “property management services near me” can be gold. The more relevant keywords you use, the more likely you’ll attract the right audience.


Update your Google My Business Page regularly. This shows your clients that you are actively investing in your properties.

Creating Compelling Ad Copy

Another thing people often ask is, “How do I create ad copy that stands out?” The key is to craft a message that grabs attention and clearly communicates what makes your properties unique to your target market. Highlight features that matter to your audience, such as prime locations, amenities, or special promotions.


Write your ad copy with search engine optimization in mind. That way you can repurpose your ad copy across multiple online channels and still benefit from search engines!

By addressing the questions your future tenants are asking and providing clear answers, you’re not just advertising—you’re connecting with them. With the right approach, you’ll see your marketing efforts bringing more people into your properties. Remember, it’s all about knowing what your audience is searching for and delivering a message that resonates with them.


2. Network with Large Employers

Ever wondered if teaming up with big businesses in your area could help fill your properties faster? You’re not alone—this is something many property management companies ask us about. The answer is a resounding yes! Large employers are always on the lookout for comfortable homes for their staff, especially for new hires or employees relocating to the area. Imagine offering a special deal, like 10% off rent for employees at a large company like your local medical health center. Suddenly, you’ve got a steady stream of potential tenants right at your doorstep. It’s like having an inside track to a group of people who need a place to live, and who wouldn't want that?

How Do You Connect with Large Employers

A question we often hear from property managers is, “How do I effectively network with large employers?” The key is to start by identifying the big players in your area—companies with large workforces, particularly those that employ recent graduates or staff who are relocating. Reaching out to HR representatives or relocation coordinators can literally open doors to mutually beneficial partnerships. You might even consider hosting informational sessions about your properties or sponsoring local career fairs to show your commitment to the community.

By establishing these strategic partnerships, your property management company can gain access to exclusive rental property deals, discounts, or referral bonuses that incentivize companies to direct their employees your way. One smart move is to set up a dedicated landing page on your website for corporate housing. This makes it easy for employees to see what’s available and start the application process.

Be Prepared with Tailored Marketing Materials

Once you’ve established connections with these employers, the next step is creating tailored marketing materials. Many property managers ask, “What’s the best way to reach these employees?” A great strategy is to develop brochures or flyers specifically targeted at each company’s workforce, highlighting the unique benefits of your properties. Include details about amenities, nearby services, and what makes the neighborhood a great fit for their employees.

Consider organizing open houses specifically for employees of partnered companies. This not only gives potential tenants a chance to explore your properties but also lets them ask questions and picture themselves living there. This personal touch can make all the difference when it comes to attracting new tenants.


3. Set Up A Referral Program with Real Estate Agents

Ever wonder who’s always in the loop about potential customers looking for a new place? Real estate agents, of course! So why not turn them into your best allies by offering a little incentive for every tenant they send your way? It’s a win-win situation. They help someone find a great new home—yours, naturally—and you thank them with a referral fee. It’s networking at its best, and it helps fill your properties faster. Everybody wins!

Building Strong Relationships with Real Estate Agents

To really make your referral incentive program shine, it’s essential to build strong relationships with real estate agents. One question we often hear is, “How do I get agents on board with referring potential clients?” The answer lies in getting to know them. Host informal meet-and-greet events, invite them to exclusive property tours, or even throw a fun networking social. The more familiar agents are with your properties, the more confident they’ll feel recommending them to their target audience.

Transparency is key here. Make sure your referral program is crystal clear—outline the process for agents to follow when referring potential customers, including how and when they’ll receive their referral fees. This approach not only keeps things professional but also builds trust and credibility in your relationships.

Promote Your Referral Program

PROMOTE plastered over big city skyline

Once you’ve got your referral program set up, the next step is to get the word out. You might wonder, “How do I let agents know about this opportunity?” Start by promoting it through various channels. Post the details on your website, create eye-catching flyers for distribution, and leverage social media to reach a broader audience. Attending real estate networking events is another great way to share your program directly with agents and provide them with marketing materials that highlight the benefits of referring potential clients to you.

Testimonials from satisfied agents who have already benefited from your program can also be powerful. When potential partners see the success others have had, they’re more likely to join in.

Measure and Adapt Your Referral Strategy

Like any marketing strategy, a property management marketing strategy requires measuring the success of your referral program and to make adjustments as needed. While it has worked for many we know, it may not work for your business. Keeping track of which agents are sending potential customers your way and how many of those leads convert into tenants will help you fine-tune your approach and ensure your program continues to attract the right target audience.


4. Drive Engagement with Strategic Email Marketing

So, you’ve got a list of people interested in renting, and now it’s time to connect with them through email marketing. But it’s not just about blasting out updates—it's about sending the right deals and news to the right people at the right time. Think of it as being that friend who always knows the best local spots and shares the scoop just when it’s needed. Keep your emails friendly, relevant, and watch your engagement rates soar!

Crafting Your Email Content

In the property management business, personalized email content is an effective strategy for engaging potential tenants. Instead of using a generic greeting, try addressing your recipients by their first names. This small touch can create a personal connection and increase the likelihood of engagement. Take it a step further by segmenting your email list based on factors like location, property type preferences, or past inquiries. By tailoring your messages to these segments, you can send targeted offers and updates that resonate with their specific interests.

And don’t forget about the subject line! This is the first thing your readers will see, and it can make or break your open rates. Keep it short, enticing, and relevant. Experiment with different subject lines to see what resonates best with your audience. Asking a question, making a bold statement, or adding a sense of urgency can encourage recipients to click.


For extra engagement, include a testimonial/online reviews in an email designed to convert.

Valuable Content is King

In the property management industry, content isn’t just about showcasing your properties; it’s about offering real value to your target audience. Consider incorporating tips on renting, moving, or local community events into your emails. Sharing market insights or trends on rental prices can position your property management business as an expert in the field, building trust with your potential tenants. You might also include property spotlights that showcase featured listings, helping potential tenants visualize themselves in a new home.

Remember, a one-size-fits-all email won’t cut it. Segment your list so you can send personalized messages that make your potential tenants feel like you’re speaking directly to them. And always remember, a catchy subject line can be the difference between your email being ignored or eagerly opened.


5. Expand Your Reach with Social Media

If you’re not leveraging social media, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to expand your reach. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter aren’t just for sharing memes and catching up with friends—they’re where your potential tenants are hanging out and looking for their next home. By using social media marketing effectively, you can showcase your properties with eye-catching photos and videos that make people stop scrolling and start imagining themselves moving in.

The beauty of social media is its ability to target your audience with precision. You can focus your ads on people based on their location, interests, and even their online behavior. It’s like hosting a housewarming party and knowing exactly who to invite. Plus, when your audience shares or comments on your posts, it’s like getting free advertising. The more engaging your content, the more it spreads, amplifying your online presence.

The Power of Targeted Ads

In the world of digital marketing, targeted ads are a game-changer. Social media platforms provide tools to zero in on your ideal audience—whether it’s through demographics, interests, or even the specific actions they take online. This level of targeting ensures that your content reaches those who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. It’s not just about showing your properties to as many people as possible; it’s about reaching the right people—those who are genuinely looking for a new place to call home.


As you get people to convert through forms, think about what the pertinent contact details are needed for a form conversion. Don't add more than you need. More fields=more effort, and you're trying to make it as easy as possible to convert.

Engaging Content is Key

When it comes to a good content marketing plan, the goal is to create posts that not only showcase your properties but also engage your audience. High-quality visuals, informative captions, and interactive elements like polls or questions can make your content more shareable. The more engagement your posts receive, the stronger your social media marketing becomes. Each share, comment, and like increases your visibility and strengthens your online presence, driving more traffic to your listings.


Content marketing shouldn't just be ads. Useful, relevant content in the form of blog posts are a great way to reach your target audience!

Building a Community

Beyond just marketing your properties, social media allows you to build a community around your brand. By consistently posting relevant and valuable content, you can position your property management business as a trusted resource in the industry. Engaging with your followers, responding to comments, and sharing content that resonates with your target audience helps to foster a sense of community. This not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also encourages potential clients to choose you when they’re ready to make a move.


What More Could Your Properties Benefit From?

In a competitive market, advertising is so important for property management companies to succeed. Don't just focus on selling properties, but also on building relationships and a strong brand. Use social media, online ads, and engaging content to reach your audience effectively will get you miles ahead of your competition.

You may now wonder "What else can I do to improve my property management's business?". We recommend looking into getting a crm for property management if you haven't already.

You may also consider getting a property management answering service too! Now that your advertising game is flawless, who's going to be greeting all these new leads for you? Working with a property management answering service means you get trained agents familiar with handling property management calls, free scheduling service to manage appointments, and a dedicated web portal to track all your contacts and leads.

Learn more by finding out how a property management answering service can benefit your business.

Aaron Boatin

Aaron Boatin is President of Ambs Call Center, a virtual receptionist and telephone answering service provider. His passion is helping clients' businesses succeed. Melding high tech with high touch to provide the best customer service experience for clients is his core focus.