It typically takes 3-5 business days from our first call to getting your service live so you never miss a call again.
We're not one of the answering services that offer instant set-ups, and that's for a reason. We've refined our set-up process over the near-100 years that we've been doing this so that we can better understand your needs to better serve your business.
Getting started with us is easy and only takes five steps! You can learn more about our set-up by requesting a quote!
We've served almost every industry out there since we've started taking calls in 1932 (the few that we don't are outlined in the question below "How do I know if we won't be a good fit?"). So, if you're one of the 99.9% of American businesses out there, good news, we can work together!
Answering your phones quickly is job one for us. We answer 80% of our calls in 3 rings or less. And for the very small percentage of calls that go on hold, we want that wait time to be less than 60 seconds.
We usually answer calls faster, but the 80%/3 rings is the industry gold-standard (and is how third-party evaluators like ATSI and CAM-X grade the best answering services in the United States), which is why it's our benchmark!
Yes! We have two call centers located in Jackson, Michigan and Tampa, Florida. We love visitors! If you would like to schedule a tour to meet our team in person, please let us know.
Never—and we take this seriously. 100% of all our agents are located in the United States and every single one of your calls will be handled within the United States. Many answering services outsource their calls for cost-saving reasons, but it's worth noting that these cost-savings do not reach you. With us, your callers will receive support from agents in the United States who have been trained extensively just to handle your business.
No, and we have a great resource detailing why we don't offer free trials. In short, it's a lose-lose situation. The user (you) typically spends more money in the long-term (think contracts, set-up fees, price hikes once the trial expires) while the answering service won't get to spend enough time understanding your business to better serve you. What you'll see in our pricing information is the cost for a specialized service that is interested in serving you for the long-haul—not one looking to make a quick buck off your business.
Yes, you can change your plan at any time.
In fact, we will monitor your usage for the first few months to make sure you aren't spending more than you need to. That level of customer service can only be acquired from a family-owned answering service!
While we serve 99.9% of businesses, we can't fit a few businesses in with our specialized set-up process. However, if you're one of the 99.9% of businesses, that's great news! It means you're receiving an answering service that's actually set up to the needs of your business—we never provide a cookie cutter experience! So, request a quote from us today!
Scott Freitag
Convergence Networks
Suzanne Alsko
Warren Family Physicians
Lisa Kutskill
Pediatric Clinic P.C.
Spring Hill
Chenal Family Therapy
Robert Sorensen
ServiceMaster Superior